Do you still doubt that the $ 1.9 trillion COVID “aid package” promoted by President Joe Biden and fellow Democrats last year served as a massive money laundering for friends, allies, and pet causes? Then look at a new report on the plans of left-wing schools to use their funds to promote elements of critical race theory. How is that relief from COVID?

“More than $ 46 billion in American Rescue Plan funding has been allocated to implement critical race theory in 13 school curricula,” according to a Conservative CAP report, One Nation. That includes $ 15.1 billion in California, $ 9 billion in New York and $ 5.1 billion in Illinois.

Empire State officials filed a request, approved by the Biden administration in August last year, detailing plans to use “aid” funds to train staff on topics such as “implicit prejudice and structural racism” and “facilitating difficult discussions about race”. He emphasized his commitment to “diversity, equity and inclusion in all districts and schools in New York”.

Diversity, (true) equity and inclusion are all good things, of course – but in practice the DEI movement is pushing for the brutal racialisation of education; it is practically another name for critical race theory.

California and other states have had similar plans, including training staff in “anti-prejudice”, “anti-racism” and “equity” strategies.

In part, states are following Biden’s instructions: the U.S. Department of Education’s guidelines for using US rescue funds – supposedly to “address the impact of lost training time” due to the closure of COVID – clearly recommend that schools may need to take “Additional”. steps ”to support“ families of color ”. They cite a number of “reasons” why minority children may be reluctant to return to staff, including “fears of xenophobic and racist harassment” and “school discipline policies”.

Let’s be honest: that $ 1.9 trillion “rescue” plan, which included $ 350 billion for states (leaving most of them in full cash), was overly exaggerated, coming after Uncle Sam has already paid $ 3 trillion in 2020 to improve COVID and target Democrats’ allies, such as the education industry. However, because schools use it, it divides children according to race, just as the “anti-racist” approach does, it makes the situation worse.

In short, Biden’s “stimulus” (as he called it) not only fuels inflation, but it is the sowing division – with taxpayer dollars.

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